The Town of Hardisty Public Works
Hardisty's Public Works department consists of one foreman and one public works staff. From May until the end of September, summer staff join the crew to help with maintaining roads, buildings, lawns and boulevards, painting and other work as required.
Public Works looks after Hardisty's roads, water treatment plant and lift stations, and general care of the community. Please keep your eyes peeled for our crew, clearly visible in their bright orange and fluorescent yellow personal protective equipment (PPE).
The existing Public Works Shop was built in 1973.

Water Treatment Plant
The Town of Hardisty's Water Treatment Plant produces an average of 200-300 m3/day for 760 people. Potassium permanganate is added to the water as it enters the Water Treatment Plant. It is then filtered using three greensand pressure filters to remove iron and manganese. Chlorine (a 12 per cent solution of sodium hypochlorite) is added after the filters and then pumped through the reservoir and into distribution system. The Water Treatment Plant was upgraded in 2003 with new filters. The Town of Hardisty has two qualified operators to operate the Water Treatment Plant. The Town of Hardisty has eight kilometres of water-mains.

Road Maintenance
Town of Hardisty annually budgets for roadway and lane maintenance. Roughly 20 kilometres of road, some paved with hot asphalt, some with cold-mix asphalt, and some gravel, are maintained by the town.